Dietary nutrition guidelines are an important component in any health plan. A dietician, nutritionist or physician can help you with the personalized dietary guidelines that are best suited for your needs. The following article will cover basic and common guidelines related to caloric intake, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
The benefits of Dietary Nutrition Guidelines
1. Weight control
A proper nutritional intake is important in order to maintain body weight. The recommended caloric intake for each person’s age and sex is shown on the following pages. The entire information you will find below will be tailored to your individual needs regarding the amount of calories you need, the amount of fat and carbohydrates that are best for you.
2. Calorie intake
Calorie intake is essential in maintaining a healthy body weight . One should eat at least 1,200 calories daily on a 2,000-calorie diet for healthy nutrition needs and 2,400 calories daily on a 3,000-calorie diet for overweight individuals .
3. Vitamins and Minerals
Most vitamins and minerals are necessary for our daily needs . We need to consume the RDA ( recommended dietary allowance) of each vitamin and mineral every day in order to have the desired amount of that element . A vitamin deficiency can cause severe health problems which include, but are not limited to, weakness, constipation, lassitude, listlessness, depression, dizziness and insomnia , just to name a few.
Minerals are important because they perform functions within the body such as promoting growth and development , forming bones , helping digestion by keeping stomach acidity at a proper level and keeping us healthy. Additionally , it is important to know that some minerals such as iron can be toxic in low doses.
4. Macronutrients
These macronutrients help the body maintain its energy levels, grow and remain healthy . Proteins are made up of amino acids and are important in the growth of tissues , production of antibodies and enzymes , making hormones , repairing tissues and helping to fight off infections . Carbohydrates provide energy for the body in the form of glucose.
Sugar is a simple carbohydrate which provides only calories but no vitamins or minerals . Complex carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, breads, starchy vegetables and fruits contain carbohydrates along with vitamins and minerals . Fats perform numerous functions inside our bodies by controlling cells’ activities , protecting our nerves from damage , assisting with vitamin absorption and aiding in digestion .
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