High-Protein Chicken Salad is a great lunch idea that provides a nice mix of protein and carbohydrates. The salad is a low-calorie lunch option that makes for an excellent light meal or appetizer. If you love chicken, this high-protein recipe delivers with a balanced number of healthy nutrients while also providing the flavors of your favorite dish.
High-Protein Chicken Salad Recipe Tips
1. Make sure to purchase fresh spinach, romaine lettuce, and red cabbage from the produce section in order to have these components for the salad.
2. When mixing the salad dressing, use 1/3 cup buttermilk, 1/3 cup olive oil, 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar, and a pinch of salt and pepper.
3. The homemade salad dressing should be mixed with 3 cups of leaves to make the salad.
4. When making the chicken, be sure to butterfly it and cut it into strips that are no larger than 1 inch thick.
5. Add the chicken after you have mixed the dressing with the leaves as opposed to adding it before or while mixing them together.
6. Add the chicken pieces to the dressing/leaves mix so that they are fully covered and can soak up the refreshing flavors of the dressing.
7. If you do not have powdered milk on hand, you can simply substitute a little bit of milk instead.
8. Make sure that the chopped red onion is added to the salad so that it can be distributed throughout each of its leaves.
9. Do not forget to add salt and pepper while preparing the chicken before cutting it into strips because both are important to its flavor.
The High-Protein Chicken Salad serves well with fresh vegetables like cucumber, carrots, mandarin orange sections, and/or red bell peppers.
The benefits of High-Protein Chicken Salad
1. Chicken is an excellent source of clean protein with 21 grams of protein per serving of the High-Protein Chicken Salad.
2. The red cabbage has a high content of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that can help to protect your body from damage from harmful toxins and free radicals.
3. The red cabbage also has high levels of folate and vitamin K, which are both important for cardiovascular health.
4. Red cabbage is also a great source of many vitamins like A, B6, B1, B2, and minerals like magnesium and manganese.
5. Romaine lettuce provides high levels of calcium as well as vitamin K for healthy bones and teeth plus folate for heart health.

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