9 Wine Bottle Choices For Exquisite Refreshment


This California Brut sparkling wine has notes of bergamot, elderflower, and lemon, perfect for celebrations and when you want a light bubbly going. It’s super dry and refreshing and made for sharing with friends and family.

Yuzu Spritz

Wine in a bottle may sound unusual, but you won’t mind when you take a sip of this delicious wine spritzer drink. Japanese Yuzu takes center stage, accompanied by Brut and water. The low alcohol content makes it a good everyday and casual wine bottle.

Pinot Gris

Fruity and light, and has the nuance that will keep you coming back for more. Passionfruit, apricot, and honeysuckle come together for an unforgettable taste.


If your night calls for easy drinking, then you surely can’t go wrong with this number. Each bottle comes with sustainably farmed grapes, and there are notes of rhubarb, rose petals, and strawberries to keep things interesting. It’s fresh, doesn’t have added sugar, and contains zero artificial ingredients.

2012 Reserve

A special limited release that’s a must-buy. This wine bottle features a Bordeaux blend that’s aged for 10 years in a neutral oak barrel. The taste is sophisticated and delicious, and it’ll call you back after a single sip. White chocolate, cola nut, and cassis round out the ingredients list.

Sauvignon Blanc

With grapes that are harvested right in Mendocino, California, this 2021 limited edition bottle sports several tropical flavors, including marzipan, star fruit, and prickly pear. It’s not as sweet but has a real freshness that goes very well with crackers and cheese. There’s no added sugar or artificial sweeteners here.

Raspberry Spritz

Rose and raspberry tickle the taste buds and make for an excellent nightcap. The ingredients are all-natural and contain only two components. The farmstand spritzer has low alcohol content and is practically made for enjoyment as you hang out with friends.

Mixed Pack

The ultimate sampler, the Mixed Pack contains Brut, Rose, and Red in one neat package. The grapes used are sustainably farmed and there’s minimal intervention in the process. You can pick between 12 and 24 wine bottles.

Mixed Spritz Pack

A collection of the best spritz flavors around, the mix has the popular brut and pink guava, as well as rose and raspberry to eliminate decision-making. Simply buy, sip, and enjoy!